
Posts Tagged ‘POEM:FetalNakedAtFifty’


Roadside E30, Co.Cork, Ireland.


Fetal naked at fifty.

I’ve followed signs to Yield in Ireland

when I’m used to an Aussie Give Way


I put on red lipstick, tell you stories

of Africa when we were both young

and watch my words seduce you again.


You remember young Chianti;

full and round, ruby red, peppered

with berries.  I remember

a Hotel in Kitwe – Blue Nun. 


You say your taste has matured,

you now prefer an Aussie Shiraz;

sharp, punchy, still youthful

– allowed to ripen with time.


I imprint your palate with my being

so no other will satisfy – am absolutely

involved in strong pulsing waves.


You suddenly stop

and fold my legs over

so I lay fetal naked at fifty…  


you lean forward to whisper

my tongue is sweet.


Frances Macaulay Forde © 2003 


@FrancesMForde  #FrancesMacForde  #TheBegorrathon  #POEM:FetalNakedAtFifty  #Ireland  #poetry  #romance  #SketchingInIreland

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